31 and Counting

Black Watch Productions marked our 31st anniversary on May 1st, and a strange anniversary it was. We have been officially shut down since April 5th, and in reality, a few weeks before that. We did two shoots in Jacksonville, Florida during the first week in March and we were supposed to produce a three day shoot in Nashville during the third week in March. Since it is a health care video, set in a hospital, it was, of course, postponed until the end of April, and then postponed again to a time to be determined.
We do have two projects pending, both of which we could be working on during the stay at home phase of life as we now know it, but the clients have not yet given the go ahead. So, we deal with the PPP, the PUA, the SBA and hope to get some relief to carry us until the restrictions are lifted and we can go out and shoot something safely. In the meantime, we are working on editing projects, mastering Zoom (including experimenting with putting together an ensemble sing for Monica’s choir) and making progress on our Braking AIDS doc and the YouTube channel that will complement it.
Companies like ours are in a tough position-we are certainly not too big to fail, and often, it seems like we are too small to succeed, despite the ubiquitous pronouncements from politicians that small businesses are the backbone of the economy.
But, succeed we will, in spite of the pandemic and lack of assistance, leadership and intelligent planning during same. We will reinvent ourselves once again; we will adapt, we will create and will will endure, just like we have for the last 31 years. Stay safe out there.